a.k.a. Administrative Central

Civic District One is a homage to Singapore's colonial past and heros (some non-colonial one as well). The trail showcases some of the emblems from our past. These emblems serve to remind us of our shared history and are one of the common binds which thread us as a nation.

Some may judge them as contrived creations which are not rooted in any concrete bond. One has to realise that Singapore is a young nation housing a cauldron of individualized heritages. Singaporeans need a universal nexus so that we are coalesced into a society.

Why? Why do we need such a commonality? Why is this so important?

The human psyche has an innate need to belong. To know that one are part of a grander scheme. The emblems on the trail gives Singaporeans tangible entities which helps them feel that they are part of the grander scheme.

What are these emblems? What do they represent and what do they mean to us?


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