
Originating in Southern England, cricket braved the unforgiving high seas to reach the shores of the Padang in 1837. The colonial cricket enthusiast saw their cricket balls whizz across the Padang and ‘hit the wicket’ for 15 years before formal meetings were held to discuss the setting up of the club.

Humble Abode

Despite the Club’s inception in 1852, first wooden-hut pavilion was only erected in the 1860s. The ever increasing popularity of the sport (and increasing European community in Singapore) paved the way for the completion the second pavilion, in 1877.

This upward popularity trend of the Club continued for years to come and by 1922 a third and fourth pavilion was added together with northern and southern wings.

At the Moment...

To keep itself relevant to morden time, the club’s sporting interest has diversified to include a myriad of games. In fact The Singapore Cricket Club as 13 sports sections and these include squash, tennis and golf.


Did you know that archaeological excavations at the grounds of the Club revealed Chinese coins dating back to the Tang and Sung dynasties and shards of porcelain dating back to the Yuan dynasty?

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